Friday, December 19, 2014


According the book of Chemistry the Central Science Eleventh Edition By: Theodore Brown, H. Eugene LeMay, Bruce Bursten, Catherine Murphy, Patrick Woodward Page 147.

Drinking too much water is greater danger enough than not drinking enough.
Excess water consumption can lead to Hyponatremia- in which the condition of sodium ion in the blood is too low. The Normal blood Sodium level is 135 to 145 nM (milliMolar).
when the level drops to as low as 125nM, dizziness and confusion will experience.
A concentration  below 120nM can be critical. Low sodium in the blood causes brain tissue to severe.

Persons who are commonly dangerous to this, are the marathon runners and other active athletes who are sweating out salt at the same time the excessive salt free water is being drunk in exchanged for water loss.

Ussually women are more affected than men at this condition, because of their different body composition and patterns of metabolism.

Drinking a sports drinks, which contains some electrolytes, will help to prevent Hyponatremia.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Power of Money

The Most Issue of every family is Money..


  •  Money can buy anything you want..
  •  It makes your life easier and comfortable.
  •  But can't buy unconditional love and true Happiness.
  •  But still we need money to satisfy our needs.

  • If rich people get happy with their wealth, but then why they also experience heart breaks..

------------- Live Simply, Love Genuinely and Sleep soundly..-----------------

Monday, December 15, 2014


In a relation it doesn't matter how long is your relationship takes.. but what matters most is How strong it is..

Stay In-love..

Night Mass " Filipino Simbang Gabi"

Simbang Gabi

Night Mass "Simbang Gabi" is one of the most awaited mass of the year practiced by The Roman Catholics, Most  people believed that if you complete the 9 series of Masses starting December 16- December 24, your wish will come true.

- After the Mass people are exited to buy some Filipino Traditional food like Bibingka and Puto Bum-bong  "Cylindrical cake". This serve in their table and shares it in all members of the family.

- Every Filipino Family believed that first day of Night Mass "Simbang Gabi " is a New day, New Hope, and Good start Of the New Beginning.

make your day Beautiful..

How to make your day beautiful..

1,) Don't Forget to Thank God for a beautiful new day..

2.)Start your day with a wonderful smile... like you win million peso in a lotto

3.) Don't forget to eat breakfast...

4.) Ignore irritating people in your way...

5.) Bring positive vibes in your work..

6.) Do your work without pressure..

7.) Appreciate things that you have..

8.) Make yourself as a good influence to anybody..

9.) Bring more patience in your journey.. "Remember we cannot please everybody"

10.) Be happy


Some signs of being IN-LOVE

 -are you in-love?

Can you relate with this experiences?..

-  You get laugh in his corny jokes..

-You realized that your smiling without any reason...

- You cant Sleep well.. because you keep on thinking of him...

- You feel that He is Your world.. your life only revolves on him..

-You don't care what other people say to you.. the most important to you Him

-You are interested even in the nonsense story of his life..

-Best Thing is.. You feel like you are the happiest  person in the world..

But.. remember its nice being in-love.. but its too painful when you get hurt of someone you love..

------- JUST LOVE WISE......


Native spinach "Kulitis" Phytochemical contents and Anti Oxidant Activity

Native spinach, known as Kulitis in the Visayas.. I've studied the two varieties of native spinach "Kulitis' with a scientific name of amaranthus spinusus and amaranthus viridis.

Samples of the two varieties of native spinach "Kulitis" leaves (Amaranthus spinosus Linn and Amaranthus viridis Linn) were collected. The leaves were washed and allowed to dry. The leaves were finely cut using scissors and stored in a covered container.

 Ethyl alcohol (95%) was used to prepare extracts for phytochemical tests and methanol (80%) for antioxidant activity assay. Qualitative methods were used to determine possible phytochemicals in the samples. Antioxidant activity was assayed by the decolorization of the methanolic solution of 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). UV-VIS Spectrophotometer set at 517nm wavelength was used to read the absorbance of the samples.

 Three phytochemicals (saponins, unsaturated steroids and flavonoids) were present in both samples and both have high (88%) antioxidant activity.
The presence of saponins, unsaturated steroids, and flavonoids in native spinach has a great value to human as well as to industry, and to the medical researchers as well as to farmers.
The researcher suggests that further investigation be made on native spinach to quantify the phytochemical present and identify other antioxidant present, as well as evaluate other health benefits. The researcher recommends planting and eating plenty of these vegetables because of the nutritional benefits they possess. The researcher also recommends that the leaves of native spinach be served as tea preparation because of its high antioxidant activity.