Monday, December 15, 2014

Native spinach "Kulitis" Phytochemical contents and Anti Oxidant Activity

Native spinach, known as Kulitis in the Visayas.. I've studied the two varieties of native spinach "Kulitis' with a scientific name of amaranthus spinusus and amaranthus viridis.

Samples of the two varieties of native spinach "Kulitis" leaves (Amaranthus spinosus Linn and Amaranthus viridis Linn) were collected. The leaves were washed and allowed to dry. The leaves were finely cut using scissors and stored in a covered container.

 Ethyl alcohol (95%) was used to prepare extracts for phytochemical tests and methanol (80%) for antioxidant activity assay. Qualitative methods were used to determine possible phytochemicals in the samples. Antioxidant activity was assayed by the decolorization of the methanolic solution of 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). UV-VIS Spectrophotometer set at 517nm wavelength was used to read the absorbance of the samples.

 Three phytochemicals (saponins, unsaturated steroids and flavonoids) were present in both samples and both have high (88%) antioxidant activity.
The presence of saponins, unsaturated steroids, and flavonoids in native spinach has a great value to human as well as to industry, and to the medical researchers as well as to farmers.
The researcher suggests that further investigation be made on native spinach to quantify the phytochemical present and identify other antioxidant present, as well as evaluate other health benefits. The researcher recommends planting and eating plenty of these vegetables because of the nutritional benefits they possess. The researcher also recommends that the leaves of native spinach be served as tea preparation because of its high antioxidant activity.

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