Friday, December 19, 2014


According the book of Chemistry the Central Science Eleventh Edition By: Theodore Brown, H. Eugene LeMay, Bruce Bursten, Catherine Murphy, Patrick Woodward Page 147.

Drinking too much water is greater danger enough than not drinking enough.
Excess water consumption can lead to Hyponatremia- in which the condition of sodium ion in the blood is too low. The Normal blood Sodium level is 135 to 145 nM (milliMolar).
when the level drops to as low as 125nM, dizziness and confusion will experience.
A concentration  below 120nM can be critical. Low sodium in the blood causes brain tissue to severe.

Persons who are commonly dangerous to this, are the marathon runners and other active athletes who are sweating out salt at the same time the excessive salt free water is being drunk in exchanged for water loss.

Ussually women are more affected than men at this condition, because of their different body composition and patterns of metabolism.

Drinking a sports drinks, which contains some electrolytes, will help to prevent Hyponatremia.

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